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Do you want to change the world?

It's a big question, but we're facing a big challenge. 


Our planet is warming, biodiversity is plummeting and our future is looking increasingly insecure. All of this is the result of human actions over the last 300 years or so. Our fossil fuel powered growth binge is presenting its bill. The cost is becoming more visible with each passing year. So why wouldn't we want to change?

But there is more to the call for change than an angry, urgent yell in the face of an impending climate disaster. We don't only have to think of  change as a response to a negative. Actions forced upon us in the face of an impending catastrophe. Change doesn't have to be something we grudgingly do because we feel like we're being told off for using fossil fuels for the whole of our lives. 


We can embrace the opportunity change brings for a whole host of positive reasons, with the added bonus that we save the planet as well as improve our own lives. Can we create a better tomorrow? Yes, we can. 


Food is fundamental to our existence. No food, no life. And because of it's central place in our lives, we can use food as a catalyst for all sorts of change. We can change our landscapes, our health, our finances, our wellbeing, our connection to the world around us, our prospects. If we change how we produce and consume food we can change the world. It's quite a thought.

To unleash all that potential we have to do a few things. We need to stop treating food as a convenience and understand it is a life shaping choice. We need to educate ourselves as to the alternative possibilities that exist. And we need to engage; politically, with our families and friends, and within our communities.


Over the coming months we'll be filling this page with links and ideas to help you find ways to engage with cahange as a positive choice. Stay tuned!

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